Complete this form and other requested material by 20 November.

A letter informing you of the selection results will be sent to your contact email address before 20 December.

Selected students will enrol in courses outlined in the MOrgPsych schedule:

Research Masters

  • 45 points: PSYCH 761, 766, 744
  • 45 points: from GLMI 705, 706, GLMI 702 or 710; PSYCH 715, 716, 717, 731, 758
  • 90 points: PSYCH 794 Thesis

Taught Masters

  • 45 points: PSYCH 761, 766, 744
  • 90 points: from GLMI 705, 706, GLMI 702 or 710; PSYCH 715, 716, 717, 731, 758
  • 45 points: PSYCH 790 Dissertation

You must also complete the University of Auckland admission process.


1. Personal information

Attach your cover letter, including a personal statement of 500 words or less. E.g., the reason for choosing this programme, and how it fits with your career aspiration; how previous academic and work experiences have inspired you to pursue this programme; how your background has prepared you for the programme

    2. Academic qualifications

    • Applicants who completed their previous tertiary study at The University of Auckland may attach an unofficial transcript.
    • All other applicants must attach a copy of their official academic records to be considered for the programme. 

      If you haven't previously studied at the University of Auckland you must complete the section 'Recognition of Previous Tertiary Study (ROPAS)' on the University's online application form.

        Please list all courses that had an organisational psychology component:

        3. Work experience

        List all the jobs you have had - full or part-time, paid or voluntary.

        If yes, enter your employer and job title, and describe your duties in the table below.

        4. Intended enrolment details

        5. Three professional referees

        Your referees should not be family members. Preferably, at least one reference should be from a current or previous employer or work supervisor.

        The School of Psychology requests your permission to contact your referees if they consider it necessary. The purpose of contacting referees is to ask them about your academic aptitude, research skills, interpersonal skills, and your suitability for admission and potential success in the programme. 

        6. Declaration

        Please do not enter any credit card information into this form.