We appreciate that you may experience financial difficulties while studying. Tuākana & Ma te Mātatau Business can support Māori and Pasifika students in genuine financial need via the Business & Economics Tuākana Manaakitanga Fund.

This support is available to students in the form of:

~Countdown vouchers
~AT HOP vouchers
~Course-Related Support (Coursebooks, textbooks)

To be eligible for assistance, students must:

~Be currently enrolled in a programme at the Faculty Business and Economics.
~Have attended courses for two weeks or more.
~Be currently experiencing genuine financial hardship and have exhausted other avenues of financial assistance e.g. University of Auckland Student Emergency Fund – General Hardship Support, StudyLink, WINZ, savings, overdraft, living allowance.

A member of the Tuākana & Ma te Mātatau Business Team will contact you directly if we need more information, discuss options, and how we can help support you.

Require additional support?

The University of Auckland provides a Student Emergency Fund – General Hardship Support – information about this is here.  

If you require additional support please reach out to the Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care team for a confidential 1:1 conversation about your circumstances.

Confidential application support is available for Māori students by reaching out to either: Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori team on pvc.maori@auckland.ac.nz
or Pirihira Woolford from the Te Papa Manaaki team on pirihira.woolford@auckland.ac.nz

Confidential application support is available for Pasifika students by reaching out to either: Pro Vice-Chancellor Pacific team on pvcpacific@auckland.ac.nz
or Bex Toloa from the Te Papa Manaaki team on elizabeth.aliioaiga@auckland.ac.nz

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