Thank you for your interest in the Master of Creative Writing (MCW) programme.

The deadline for Master of Creative Writing applications is 8 April.

You need to submit two separate applications:

  1. An Application for Admission to study at the University of Auckland
  2. This application form including a sample of your work

Admission to the University of Auckland does not guarantee you a place on the MCW; the offer is conditional, subject to approval by the programme convenor.

If you already have a University of Auckland Student ID number state it here

    Please attach full transcripts of university qualifications (unofficial transcript is sufficient)

      Please attach a CV including any professional experience, education, publications and/or prizes

      Please attach a creative portfolio.

      • This must include a 20-page creative writing sample in the genre for which you are applying: novel, story collection, poetry collection or work of creative non fiction.
      • Prose samples must be double-spaced and in 12 point type. No samples of drama, screenwriting or academic work are acceptable as a writing sample.

        Upload as one file

        Please attach a summary of intention.

        • In one or two pages, please describe the project on which you will work during the Master of Creative Writing year.

          Please do not enter any credit card information into this form.